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    《莫塔之子 Children of Morta》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.2.62

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    莫塔之子 Children of Morta》是一款rpg动作冒险类游戏,踏上这非凡的英雄家族的冒险旅程。随着大地逐渐被腐化,圣山莫塔的守护者们挺身对抗古老的邪恶。但……这并不是一个拯救世界的故事。这是一个勇敢的家族团结在一起,阻止周遭的世界被黑暗吞噬的故事。

    《莫塔之子 Children of Morta》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.2.62


    • 深度剧情的rogue-lite游戏
    • 6位独特的可选角色
    • 关于英雄家族的动人传说
    • 各式各样的技能和属性
    • 每轮游戏都不同的主动/被动物品
    • 众多地牢中的不同生态
    • 历史悠久的魔法世界
    • 前所未有的手绘像素风

    操作系统: 64-bit Windows 7
    处理器: 2.8 GHz Dual Core CPU
    内存: 4 GB RAM
    显卡: GeForce GTX 660, Radeon R7 370 or equivalent with 2 GB of video RAM
    DirectX 版本: 11
    存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
    声卡: DirectX compatible
    附注事项: For best controller experience please use an Xbox One or Xbox 360 compatible hardware.
    操作系统: 64-bit Windows 10
    处理器: 3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor
    内存: 8 GB RAM
    显卡: GeForce 960, Radeon RX 570 or equivalent with 4GB of video RAM
    DirectX 版本: 11
    存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
    声卡: DirectX compatible
    附注事项: For best controller experience please use an Xbox One or Xbox 360 compatible hardware.


    《莫塔之子 Children of Morta》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.2.62

    《莫塔之子 Children of Morta》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.2.62

    《莫塔之子 Children of Morta》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.2.62

    《莫塔之子 Children of Morta》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.2.62

    《莫塔之子 Children of Morta》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.2.62




    小型更新/补丁说明 已发布 6月9日周三 Children of Morta | Bugfix Update – June 2021
    Hello there, Fam!

    We’ve just released an update for Children of Morta on XBOX, PC, PS4 & PS5! It fixes a number of bugs, as well as some platform-specific issues that you’ve reported – keep up the good work, it’s super helpful for us!

    Nintendo Switch update shall be live June 11th as it needs a little more time!

    List of FIXES:
    Fixed audio looping issue (Playstation 4)
    Fixed a few instances where Mark could have stuck behind walls (especially during Forest boss fight)
    Progression blocker in some instances after defeating the final boss in the Story mode and Family Trials (Insane difficulty) is now fixed
    Fixed the occasional progression blocker during Ferocious Slayer objective
    Portal may appear behind the closed door after completing the Cleansing Guardian objective
    Two or more of the same divine graces could be obtained
    Fixed Kevin’s “Deadly Storm” talent not working as intended
    Fixed Mark’s “Swirling Staff” skill not working as intended
    Fixed the issue where it sometimes was not possible to interact with a shopkeeper due to items piling up
    Fixed the issue with directional keys being reset each time the game is restarted
    Fixed the issue that could cause characters to become invincible in Local Coop because of Unstable Relic
    Fixed the issue where Revive prompt could be randomly shown in Local Coop
    Fixed the issue with traps spawning inside objects in the Desert biome
    Fixed the issue with trap relics causing incorrect kill streak numbers
    Fixed the issue with pressure plates not working as intended during the memory puzzle
    Improved performance throughout all consoles
    Minor bug fixes to improve the stability and overall experience

    In case of any further issues, please, as always, reach out directly to [email protected]!

    Dead Mage & 11 bit studios






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